Wort Aeration


Ratio Controlled Wort Aeration Module (AeroJet)

3PS Engineers have three designs for wort aeration are as below

  • AeroJet Mini (Specially for Micro)
  • AeroJet Jr. (Commercial Craft Version)
  • AeroJet Sr. (Commercial Brewery Version)
Flow rate Min 10 HL/H
Air Addition Upto 16 ppm (Depends on P&T)
O2 Addition >Upto 25 ppm (Depends on P&T)


System will be complete auto with ratio controlled continuous wort aeration. The module is designed for the fast, accurate injection and dissolution of air or oxygen into he product gently no shear forces with minimal pressure drop.

The system is standard and available as below

  • Semi-Automated & Fully Automated (Via PLC HMI / PC PLC SCADA)
  • With optional items like sterile air system and DO meter


  • Gentle product treatment
  • Provisioned with CIP / SIP sequences
  • Product safety
  • Compact plug and play module